- Do you, or folks you know, want to work in the geothermal field?
Deeply discounted IGSHPA certified training for Installers and Inspectors will be offered in a couple NY locations this Fall.
Click here to find out more.
Accredited Installer training will be held at SUNY Ulster (Kingston, NY) Sept. 20-22
Geothermal Inspector training will be held at SUNY Farmingdale (Long Island) Sept. 24 & 25,
followed by Accredited Installer training there on the 26th – 28th.
These will be incredible opportunities to pick up knowledge, skills and certification at about half the regular cost !
2. NY-GEO is excited to announce the NY-GEO 2019 will be held on April 10 and 11th, 2019 at the Rivers Resort and Casino in Schenectady, NY.
This new venue will allow the conference to continue to grow in the attendance, number of exhibitors, and number of presentation tracks offered.
Stay tuned for early sponsorship, exhibiting and registration opportunities.
3. NY-GEO recently posted extensive comments in Governor Cuomo’s New Efficiency New York proceeding.
Click here to get the document and find out how geothermal is key to New York’s efficiency efforts and what some of the roadblocks are.
These are our recommendations from the paper:
- Hold utilities harmless for added beneficial electrification load and count the energy efficiency impacts of beneficial electrification toward in the 185 TBtu goal
- The preparation and adoption of a glide path for energy and carbon reduction in the heating and cooling sector that includes distinct annual targets for ground source and air source heat pump penetration in New York State;
- The integration of the likely impact of projected heat waves on demand for air conditioning and development of a plan to minimize the impact of increased AC demand on peak summer electricity demand and the health of low and moderate income (LMI) New Yorkers;
- The adoption of a process to re-examine methane greenhouse gas emissions including the time frame used and leakage rates assumed;
- The adoption of a rate structure for heat pump customers that eliminates the current subsidy they pay in the form of excessive volumetric delivery rates;
- The formation and execution of a plan to integrate the initiatives adopted under 18-M-0084 in current rate cases as well in adopted rate cases through a reopening mechanism;
- The identification and execution of the tasks necessary to institute residential PACE financing in New York State;
- The development of a worker training program whose key elements are IGSHPA training, education for building professionals and wage supplementation for on the job training;
- The adoption of substantial support subsequent to the current NYSERDA rebate program for addressing upfront costs for GSHP installations, including strong incentives, 3rd party ownership and ways to bring installations to the LMI market;
- The development of a detailed glide path to a net zero carbon emission building code for New York State;
- The development of a statewide online pre-screening tool so building owners can easily access data on the geothermal potential of their properties, building on models developed for New York City’s Local Law 6 and the NYPA/NYSERDA Geothermal Clean Energy Challenge;
- The adoption of kWh as opposed to Btus as the unified Energy Efficiency unit of measurement to bring NYS in line with the rest of the world as well as with a post-electrification future dominated by electrical energy use as opposed to fossil fuel burning;
- The adoption of a process to prepare for decapitalization of the natural gas utility industry that minimizes the exposure of ratepayers; and
- The adoption of an incentive structure that balances the importance of locational and other granular factors with the importance of encouraging market penetration by virtue of being easy for property owners to understand.